NN NN JJJJJJ SSSSSSSS DDDDDDDD KK KK (TM) NN NN JJ SS DD DD KK KK NNNN NN JJ SS DD DD KK KK NN NN NN JJ SSSSSS DD DD KKKK NN NNNN JJ SS DD DD KK KK NN NN JJ JJ SS DD DD KK KK NN NN JJJJ SSSSSSSS DDDDDDDD KK KK NJSDK (tm) NJStar Chinese Software Development Kits v3.0 Copyright (c) Hongbo Ni 1992-1994. All Rights Reserved Hongbo Data Systems P.O. Box 40 Telephone: +61-2-869-0821 Epping NSW 2121 Fax: +61-2-869-0823 AUSTRALIA Compuserve: 100032,2724 ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction ============================================================================ NJSDK is a C Library based on NJSTAR Version 3.0. It contains all the functions for handling Chinese input, display and printing. With NJSDK, user can develop any Chinese applications without knowing how Chinese characters are inputed, displayed or printed. It is as easy as writing an English program. NJSDK provides a Chinese interface for any C program. It reserves the bottom line for Chinese input, and all other 24 lines (on VGA, 18 on EGA, 29 on SVGA) are working area for the application. NJSDK starts by loading Chinese font and dictionaries into memory, which require 200KB. If user select to leave font on disk, then NJSDK only requires 80KB to operate. When NJSDK exits, all used memory are released, and screen is back to text mode. NJSDK supports all the input methods in NJSTAR v3.0, user defined methods also supported in the same way as in NJSTAR. ALT+Function Keys are reserved by NJSDK for switching between the Chinese input methods (as listed in next section), and other Chinese related function. Mouse operations are directly supported by NJSDK, application program can get mouse position by calling the NJSDK mouse functions. Screen Saver and AutoSave facilities have been built in NJSDK. Active interval can be set by a configuration program NJSDKCFG.EXE. 2. License Information ============================================================================ With the full payment for NJSDK, the developer are granted a distribution license which permits the distribution of all NJSTAR dictionaries, drivers and fonts (total 30 files) with their application without any further royalty payment. Distribution of any Executable file (*.EXE) of NJSTAR is strictly prohibited. Each licensed copy has an unique serial number, this protects any illegal use of NJSDK by other un-licensed users. Licensed user are entitled a free upgrade to next version of NJSDK when it becomes available. Please contact the author for current price. Please contact the author if you or your company have any special requirements or cooperations. LIMITED WARRANTY A) The Author of NJSDK warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. B) The Author of NJSDK warrants that the program will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied within this document. If a significant defect in the product is found, the Purchaser may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. C) Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. D) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE AUTHOR OF NJSDK DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR OF NJSDK BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 3. List of files in NJSDK package ============================================================================ NJSDK.LIB The NJSDK C subroutine library (MSC 7.0 Large model) NJSDK.H The header file for NJSDK KEYS.H The header file for key and mouse button definitions ******.C Example programs CC.BAT Batch file used to compile program, eg. CC hello NJSDK.DOC NJSDK user manual in MS-Word 2.0 for Win. Format NJSDK.TXT Text version of NJSDK.DOC NJSDK.INI Tell NJSDK where are the NJSTAR dictionaries & font NJSDK.CFG NJSDK configuration file NJSDKCFG.EXE The application configuration program SUPER.VGA The super VGA definition file (required by NJSDKCFG) Following files from NJSTAR are needed for program based on NJSDK to run. Those files can be distributed with user's .EXE file only after a proper distribution license has been purchased. CCLIB.16 16x16 Simplified Chinese bitmap CCLIB.24 24x24 Simplified Chinese bitmap (With Reg. ver) CCLIBF.16 16x16 un-Simplified Chinese bitmap CCLIBF.24 24x24 un-Simplified Chinese bitmap (With Reg. ver) ASCII.16 16x8 Ascii bitmap ASCII.24 24x12 Ascii bitmap NANJIPY.DIC NJSTAR PinYin dictionary NANJILX.DIC NJSTAR Lianxiang dictionary NJINPUT*.DIC External character input methods dictionary NJCIZU*.DIC External word input methods dictionary TOLERATE.DIC PinYin Tolerance lists (text file) ********.DRV Printer drivers If NJSTAR is installed on C:\NJSTAR, a file NJSDK.INI can be created in the same directory as user's application. It should contains two lines: NJDIC=C:\NJSTAR NJZK=C:\NJSTAR NJSDK will try to locate the font and dictionaries in the same directory as users EXE file. If not found, NJSDK will try those as defined in NJSDK.INI. user can also set two DOS environment variables in AUTOEXEC.BAT to specify the location of fonts and dictionaries (override NJSDK.INI). SET NJZK=C:\NJSTAR SET NJDIC=C:\NJSTAR In this way, only one set of font and dictionaries are needed in one computer, all the NJSDK applications and NJSTAR can access the same font and dictionaries. 4. Function Keys Reserved by NJSDK ============================================================================ Alt+F1 - NJSDK Help Alt+F9 - Pure Chinese Input Alt+F2 - Other Input Methods Alt+F10 - FanTiZi or JianTiZi Alt+F3 - QuWeiMa Input Alt+F11 - Adding Character/Word Alt+F4 - GuoBiao Input Alt+F12 - Remove Character/Word Alt+F5 - PinYin Input Alt+F6 - ASCII Input Alt+'X' - LianXiang Alt+F7 - ZhuYin Input Alt+'Z' - Get PinYin/ Input Code Alt+F8 - Options ESC - Cancel Current Input 5. List of NJSDK Functions ============================================================================ Function Name Descriptions -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ NJ_AutoSave Tell NJSDK which is your AutoSave function NJ_box Draw a rectangle box in given color NJ_button Select from a list of buttons NJ_clscolum clear a column of text NJ_clsrows clear rows of text NJ_cursorOnOff turn on / off the blinking input cursor NJ_dialog A dialog entry program NJ_end end of NJSDK session (unload font and dictionaries) NJ_entry entry input routine NJ_fillwin fill a window with color NJ_fontsize Change the size of Chinese characters. NJ_formfeed Form Feed NJ_getkey get the key pressed by user NJ_getmouse get mouse position NJ_gets get a string with Chinese characters NJ_gets0 get a string without Chinese characters NJ_init Initialise NJSDK library (setup Graphics mode, load Chinese) NJ_line Draw a horizontal or vertical line NJ_linefeed Line feed NJ_menu menu selection routine NJ_mousecursor turn on /off the mouse cursor NJ_prt_end end of the printing NJ_prt_init Initialising printer NJ_prts print a string to printer NJ_putc put a English (ascii 1-255) to screen NJ_puts put a string on screen (with or without Chinese Characters) NJ_setcursor set cursor position NJ_setinput set Chinese input Method NJ_setmargin Set Margins and line spacing NJ_window draw a window with color 6. Detailed Description of NJSDK functions ============================================================================ * Initialization __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_init Initialise NJSDK library, such as setup graphics mode, load Chinese font and dictionaries. This function must be called before any NJSDK function is used. Calling Syntax: NJ_init(char *homedir) Input: homedir - a char pointer points to the dir where application is started this is used for NJSDK to locate font and dictionaries Return: 0 - Initialisation OK -1 - Initialisation failed See also: NJ_end Example: main(int argc, char **argv) { NJ_init(argv[0]); .... .... NJ_end(); } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_end Exit NJSDK library, font and dictionaries are unloaded and screen are set back to text mode. Calling Syntax: NJ_end() Input: (none) Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_init Example: see NJ_init ___________________________________________________________________________ NJ_AutoSave Tell NJSDK which is your AutoSave function Calling Syntax: int NJ_AutoSave(int(*asfun)()) Input: int *asfun() -- a function pointer points to the user's SaveSave Funcion. Output: (none) Example: int myautosave() { /* Close the data base, or */ /* do anything you like to do */ } main(int argc, char **argv) { NJ_init(argv[0]); NJ_AutoSave(myautosave); .... .... NJ_end(); } NOTE: User should call this function if Autosave features are needed, and do any thing you want to do in it. such as backup data base. NJSDK will call this function in a preset interval or when any emergency happen. a default function is provided by NJSDK, which does nothing. ____________________________________________________________________________ NJ_getvideo Get Video screen parameters Calling Syntax: int NJ_getvideo(struct NJVIDEO *njv) Input: struct NJVIDEO *njv -- pointer to NJVIDEO structure struct NJVIDEO { int Videomode; /* Current Video Mode (see NJSDK.H) */ int Nrows; /* number of rows EGA=18 VGA=24 SVGA=29*/ int BytesPerLine; /* bytes per line EGA/VGA=80 SVGA=100 */ int PixelsPerRow; /* Pixels per row EGA=18 VGA/SVGA=19 */ int Mono; /* Is a monochrome mornitor */ }; Output: struct NJVIDEO *njv See also: NJ_init() Example: #include "njsdk.h" struct NJVIDEO njv; main(int argc, char **argv) { NJ_init(argv[0]); NJ_getvideo(&njv) .... .... NJ_end(); } __________________________________________________________________________ * Keyboard and Mouse Input ___________________________________________________________________________ NJ_getkey wait for user to press a key, and return the key values as defined in header file KEYS.H Calling Syntax: NJ_getkey() Input: (none) Output: (none) Return: the key pressed (see KEYS.H for predefined value) See also: NJ_getmouse() Example: #include "keys.h" .... k=NJ_getkey(); if(k==ESC) exit(0); .... ___________________________________________________________________________ NJ_getmouse report the current mouse position (row, column in pixels). Calling Syntax: NJ_getmouse(int *row, int *col) Input: (none) Output: int *row, *col -- the current mouse cursor position Return: the key value if any key is pressed See also: NJ_getkey() Example: int row, col; NJ_getmouse(&row, &col); sprintf(str,"mouse position: %d %d", row,col); NJ_puts(str, 10,10,15); ___________________________________________________________________________ NJ_mousecursor Turn on / off mouse cursor during screen outputs Calling Syntax: NJ_mousecursor(int on) Input: on = 1 -- turn ON the mouse cursor on = 0 -- turn OFF the mouse cursor Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_getmouse() Example: NJ_mousecursor(0); NJ_puts(str, ...); NJ_mousecursor(1); .... ___________________________________________________________________________ NJ_cursorOnOff turn ON / OFF the blinking input cursor Calling Syntax: NJ_cursorOnOff(int on) Input: on = 1 -- turn ON the cursor on = 0 -- turn OFF the cursor Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_getkey() Example: NJ_cursorOnOff(1); NJ_gets(str, ...); NJ_cursorOnOff(0); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_setcursor set the blinking cursor position Calling Syntax: NJ_setcursor(int row, int col) Input: row, col -- the new cursor position in character coordinate (25x80) Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_cursorOnOff() Example: NJ_setcursor(24, 1); __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_gets get a string including Chinese characters from screen Calling Syntax: int NJ_gets(char *str, int row, int col, int len, int Fcolor, int Bcolor) Input: str -- the buffer for holding the input string, minimum length = len. len -- the maximum len of input string row, col -- the screen position where input string starts Fcolor -- foreground color (0 - 15) Bcolor -- background color (0 - 15) Output: str -- the string entered by user Return: -1 -- user cancel the input by ESC 0 -- user end the input by ENTER >0 -- other non-editing keys See also: NJ_puts() Example: char str[80]; NJ_gets(str, 10,5, 70, 15, 1); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_gets0 Same as NJ_gets, except that Chinese input is not allowed in this function __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_setinput set Chinese input method Calling Syntax: int NJ_setinput(int method, char select) Input: method =0 -- ascii input 1 -- PinYin input 2 -- QuWeiMa input 3 -- GuoBiao Input 4 -- Other inputs 5 -- ZhuYin input select -- for select a sub-method if the method has multiple choose such as 4 and 5. Not used for methods 0-3. Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: Example: /* select WuBiZiXin method */ NJ_setinput(4, 'B'); ___________________________________________________________________________ * Screen Display __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_puts Display a string of ascii, Chinese or mix of them on specific position of the screen with specific color. Calling Syntax: int NJ_puts(char str,int row,int col,int Fcolor,int Bcolor) Input: str -- the string to display (ascii, Chinese or mix ) row, col -- the screen position where the output starts Fcolor -- foreground color (0 - 15) Bcolor -- background color (0 - 15) Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_gets() Example: /* display 'Chinese char' on 20,10 with Yellow on Red*/ NJ_puts("CHINESE Char", 20,10, 14,4); ..... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_putc Display a ascii character on specific position of the screen with color. Calling Syntax: int NJ_putc(char c,int row,int col,int Fcolor,int Bcolor) Input: c -- the character to display (ascii 1-255) row, col -- the screen position where the output starts Fcolor -- foreground color (0 - 15) Bcolor -- background color (0 - 15) Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_puts() Example: /* display 'A' on 20,10 with Yellow on Red*/ NJ_putc('A', 20,10, 14,4); __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_window Draw a outline window with specific color Calling Syntax: int NJ_window(int r1, int c1, int h, int v, int color) Input: r1, c1 -- upper left corner of the window (in pixels) h, v -- the Horizontal and vertical size of the window (in pixels) color -- the color of the screen Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_fillwin() Example: NJ_window(50,100, 100, 400, 2); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_fillwin Same as NJ_window, except not boarder outline Calling Syntax: int NJ_fillwin(int r1, int c1, int h, int v, int color) Input: r1, c1 -- upper left corner of the window (in pixels) h, v -- the Horizontal and vertical size of the window (in pixels) color -- the color of the screen Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_window() Example: NJ_fillwin(50,100, 100, 400, 2); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_clscolum Clear portion of the line with specified color Calling Syntax: int NJ_clscolum(int row1, int col1, int col2, int color) Input: row -- the line number col1 -- the start column number col2 -- the end column number color -- the color Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_clsrows() Example: NJ_clscolum(1, 0,80, 15); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_clsrows Clear number of lines Calling Syntax: int NJ_clsrows(int row1, int row2, int color) Input: row1 -- the start line number row2 -- the end line number color -- the color Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_clscolum() Example: NJ_clsrows(5,10, 15); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_line Draw a horizontal or vertical line Calling Syntax: int NJ_line(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2, int color) Input: row1 -- the start row in pixel col1 -- the start column in pixel row2 -- the end row in pixel col2 -- the end column in pixel color -- the line color Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_box() Example: NJ_line(5,0,5,640,15); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_box Draw a rectangle box in given color Calling Syntax: int NJ_line(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2, int color) Input: row1 -- the start row in pixel col1 -- the start column in pixel row2 -- the end row in pixel col2 -- the end column in pixel color -- the line color Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_line() Example: NJ_box(5,0,50,640,15); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_menu Selecting a list of options by menu Calling Syntax: int NJ_menu(int Fcolor1, int Bcolor1, int Fcolor2,int Bcolor2,int pressed, struct MENU_S *sl,int ns, int ini,int(*msgfun)(char *)) Input: Fcolor1, Bcolor1 -- the foreground and background color of normal text Fcolor2, Bcolor2 -- the foreground and background color of high lighted text (0 - 15). pressed=0 -- mouse cursor will move the selection item without press the mouse button =1 -- mouse cursor will move the selection item only if mouse button are pressed ns -- number of selections in sl ini -- the initial selection msgfun() -- the pointer to a user provided function for display the message sl -- pointer to the structure of menu items. struct MENU_S { /* as defined in NJSDK.H */ char row; /* display row */ char col; /* display col */ char len; /* display background len */ char list; /* the selection key in upper case */ char *str; /* menu string */ char *msg; /* message associated */ } ; Output: (none) Return: the number of selected item See also: NJ_entry() Example: putmsg(char *str) { NJ_puts(str, 20,20, 2,15); } struct MENU_S sl[2]={ 20,10, 10, 'Y', "Yes", "Confirm", 21,10, 10, 'N', "No ", "quit" } main() { .... NJ_menu(11, 2, 14,4, 0, sl,2,0, putmsg); .... } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_button Select a list of options by pressing the button Calling Syntax: int NJ_button(struct MENU_S *sl, int ns, int ini, int pressed) Input: pressed=0 -- mouse cursor will move the selection item without press the mouse button pressed=1 -- mouse cursor will move the selection item only if mouse buttons are pressed ns -- number of selections in sl ini -- the initial selection sl -- pointer to the structure of menu items. struct MENU_S { /* as defined in NJSDK.H */ char row; /* display row */ char col; /* display col */ char len; /* display background len */ char list; /* the selection key in upper case */ char *str; /* menu string */ char *msg; /* message associated, not used by this function*/ } ; Output: (none) Return: the number of selected item See also: NJ_menu() Example: struct MENU_S sl[2]={ {20,10, 10, 'Y', "Yes", " "}, {21,10, 10, 'N', "No ", " "} } main() { .... NJ_button(sl,2,0,1); .... } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_entry data entry routine Calling Syntax: int NJ_entry(int Fcolor1, int Bcolor1, int Fcolor2, int Bcolor2, struct ENTRY_S *sl,int ns,int ini, int(*msgfun)(char *)) Input: Fcolor1, Bcolor1 -- the foreground and background color of normal text Fcolor2, Bcolor2 -- the foreground and background color of high lighted text (0 - 15). ns -- number of selections in sl ini -- the initial selection msgfun() -- the pointer to a user provided function for display the message sl -- pointer to the structure of menu items. struct ENTRY_S { char row; /* display row */ char col; /* display row */ char len; /* len of the field */ char type; /* type of the field, not used*/ char str[80]; /* str to hold field */ char *msg; /*message associated*/ }; msgfun(char *msg) -- the pointer to a user provided function for display the message. INPUT: msg -- the string of message Output: sl -- the data entered are stored in sl[i].str. Return: 0 -- Normal return -1 - Data entry is cancelled by user See also: NJ_menu Example: putmsg(char *str) { NJ_puts(str, 20,20, 2,15); } struct ENTRY_S sl[2]={ 20,10, 10,0, " ", "Enter Your Name", 21,10, 10,0, " ", "Enter you age" } main() { .... NJ_entry(11, 2, 14,4, sl,2,0, putmsg); .... } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_dialog data entry with push button and radio buttons Calling Syntax: int NJ_dialog(int Fcol1,int Bcol1,int Fcol2,int Bcol2, int Fcol3, int Bcol3, struct DIALOG_S *sl,int ns,int ini, int(*DialogProc)(int, int), int(*msgfun)(char *)); Input: Fcol1, Bcol1 -- the foreground and background color of normal text Fcol2, Bcol2 -- the foreground and background color of data entry non-current item (0 - 15) Fcol3, Bcol3 -- the foreground and background color of high lighted data entry item (0 - 15) ns -- number of selections in sl ini -- the initial selection sl -- pointer to the structure of dialog items. struct DIALOG_S { char row; /* display row */ char col; /* display row */ char len; /* len of the field */ char type; /* type of the field: 0 - data entry */ /* -1 - push button */ /* -2 - radio button */ char radio; /* store radio status*/ char str[80]; /* str to hold field value*/ char *msg; /*message assorciated*/ }; msgfun(char *msg) -- the pointer to a user provided function for display the message. INPUT: msg -- the string of message DialogProc(int k, int s) -- the pointer to a user provided function for handling the dialog messages. INPUT: k=-1 -- initialize dialog setting k=0 -- button number S has been pressed, k>0 -- a non-editing key has been pressed Output: -1 -- Cancel the dialog box 0 -- End dialog and return to calling program 1 -- Re-paint all entries NOTE: In DialogProc, user can access the information in DIALOG_S structure -- sl. See *****.C for example usage. Output: sl -- the data entered are stored in sl[i].str. Return: 0 -- Normal return, entry valid -1 -- Data entry is cancelled by ESC or a push button. See also: NJ_menu Example: #include #include "njsdk.h' #include "keys.h' struct ENTRY_S sl[4]={ {10,10, 10,0,0 " ", "Enter Your Name"}, {12,10, 10,0,0 " ", "Enter you age"}, {15,10, 10,-1,0 "OK", "Accept the input"}, {15,13, 10,-1,0 "Cancel", "Quit the dialog"} } int putmsg(char *str) { NJ_puts(str, 20,20, 2,15); } int mydialogproc(int k, int s) { if(k<0){ if(s==2) return (0); /* Ok */ else if(s==3) return(-1); /* cancel */ }else if(k==PGUP){GetLastRecordFromDataBase();} }else if(k==PGDN){GetNextRecordFromDataBase();} return(1); } main() { .... i=NJ_entry(15,1,11,2,14,4,sl,2,0,mydialogproc, putmsg); if(i<0) /* Cancelled */ else if(i>=0) /* Ok */ .... } __________________________________________________________________________ * Printer Output (Not included in trial version) __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_prt_init Initialise printer driver Calling Syntax: NJ_prt_init() Input: (none) Return: 0 - Initialisation OK -1 - Initialisation failed See also: NJ_init() Example: main(int argc, char **argv) { NJ_init(argv[0]); .... NJ_prt_init() NJ_prts("CHINESE string"); .... NJ_end(); } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_prt_end end of the printing Calling Syntax: NJ_prt_end() Input: (none) Return: 0 - Ok -1 - failed See also: NJ_prt_init() Example: main(int argc, char **argv) { NJ_init(argv[0]); .... NJ_prt_init() NJ_prts("CHINESE string"); NJ_prt_end() .... NJ_end(); } __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_fontsize Change the size of Chinese characters. Calling Syntax: int NJ_fontsize(int size) Input: size - size of printed Chinese chars (=1 or 2) Output: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_prts() Example: NJ_fontsize(2); ..... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_setmargin Set Margins and line spacing Calling Syntax: NJ_setmargin(int l, int r, int t, int b, int s) Input: l = left margin in number of Chinese characters r = right margin in number of Chinese characters t = top margin in number of lines (1 line = 30 dots) b = bottom margin in number of lines (1 line = 30 dots) s = line spacing in number of pixels/dots Return: 0 - Ok; -1 -Failed. See also: NJ_linefeed() Example: NJ_setmargin(5,5,2,6,12); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_prts Print a string to printer. Calling Syntax: int NJ_puts(char str) Input: str -- the string to display (ascii, Chinese or mix of them) Output: (none) Return: 0 - OK -1 - Faild. See also: NJ_puts() Example: NJ_prts("CHINESE Chars"); ..... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_linefeed Feed the printer by number of pixels/dots Calling Syntax: NJ_linefeed(int lines) Input: lines -- the number of pixels/lines to feed Return: (none) See also: NJ_formfeed() Example: NJ_linefeed(5); .... __________________________________________________________________________ NJ_formfeed Feed the printer paper to next page Calling Syntax: NJ_formfeed() Input: (none) Return: (none) See also: NJ_linefeed() Example: NJ_formfeed(5); .... ============================================================================ END of NJSDK.TXT